line & lee walnut pesto

walnut pesto
recipe note: easy

2.5 oz basil (the size of the trader joe's package) or a large bunch from the garden - make sure to only use the leaves—no stems!
1 clove of garlic
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/2++ cup olive oil (or until desired consistency)
kosher salt & fresh cracked pepper to taste

in a food processor combine the basil, garlic, walnuts, and cheese, pulse until completely chopped and combined. then through the lid, slowly pour in the olive oil (you can add more or less olive oil depending on your desired consistency). finally add kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste. store in an air-tight container with a small layer of olive oil over the pesto, this will last 5 days.

serve on pasta, or on a baguette with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes (pictured above).