line & lee shrub

line & Lee shrub

(just barely) adapted from: edible ohio
makes 2 1/2 cups
recipe note: easy, but this old-fashioned recipe takes a week to complete

2 cups raspberries or strawberries
1 cup sugar
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 lg. sprig of thyme or rosemary

sterilize a mason jar and lid by pouring boiling hot water over them and let them sit for 10 minutes--empty and cool. combine the fruit and sugar, using a wooden spoon to mash together. cover with a towel and let sit at room temp overnight. 

after 24 hours, add the vinegar and thyme. with the lid on the mason jar, gently shake until the sugar dissolves. refrigerate for one week. 

strain the mixture through a sieve, pressing down with a wooden spoon. sterilize the mason jar again and fill with the shrub mixture. the shrub will store in refrigerator for up to 6 months. to serve add a splash (to taste) of the shrub syrup with sparking water (and vodka if making a cocktail).