gretchen's granola

Gretchen's granola

recipe note: easy
from gretchen, makes 8 cups

5 cup oats
1 cup whole pecans
1 cup sliced almonds
1 cup coconut (shredded)
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup honey
1 TBS cinnamon
1 cup dried cherries
1 cup dried cranberries
touch of salt

preheat oven to 350 F. mix all of the dry ingredients. combine the butter, honey, and cinnamon. pour the wet mixture over the dry ingredients and combine with hands. bake for 25 minutes (on a sheet tray with a rim);  turning approximately every 8 minutes. add the dried fruit for the last 8 minutes of cooking. finally add a touch of salt just at the end. let cool and serve or store.